Monday, November 15, 2010

The Inner You

Setiap manusia di dunia
Pasti punya kesalahan
Hanya yang pemberani
Yang mahu mengakui

Setiap manusia di dunia
Pasti pernah sakit hati
Hanya yang berjiwa satria
Yang mahu memaafkan 


Still, senang nak cakap kan, nak buat susah kan :P
Anyway, siapa cakap "to do something right is easy?"
Because, it won't!
But I'll try to educate myself, and I hope you do it too!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hebat !

Mummy dah ade Facebook
Kewl weyyyyhhhh!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Kopok Losong

kopok losong ganu :)
wah wah sedap! naaaaaaak!
tetibe mengidam
nak kopok losong :(
tolong delivery.....

VACAY, uuurrrggghhh!!!

Ntah bile nye dapat pegi ni :(

Sunday, November 7, 2010




One foot step of my life is DONE.
I can't ask for a better one.
Early, back in July 2010;
  • new atmosphere
  • new semester
  • new locus of people
  • new subject
  • new method
  • try out loads of new things

I am gratefull ALLAH always with me.
Even sometimes, as a human, I forgot of HIM.


R to the E to the L to the A to the X

I want this ! It just HEAVEN !


Sniffed the smell of FREEDOM baby !
Frankly, I'm doing just ok this semester of study.
Should expand it more for becoming semester :D